The leprous ones of Jammu

In the capital town of Jammu of the Indian Cashmere, a district where one arrives by a meander of lanes. The leper-house is a shame for the city. Whole families, patients mixed to healthy people are parked. Impossible for the children, healthy however, to go to the school and to even reside in a detached house not far from that of their parents all reached by the disease. To say to a company which one saw here prevents any search for work, even if studies were made and that one is healthy.

The Teresa half-sisters come every day to exempt the care. This day there a man, who sought on the road a place where to be accommodated had been beaten and left for death. Dealt with by the sisters it will be left there.

The most reached resident in huts with the variation, invisi corns they expect death.
To enable them to gain small savings, the Bishop house their installed an artisanal factory of candles to provide the churches. They have the right to sell some on the markets for their own account.